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Outsourcing Key Technology Services Provides Opportunities

Serving the most vulnerable of our population comes with many rewards, but an organization that commits to a noble mission of this sort can face challenges where technology and connectivity are concerned.

For more than 60 years, Opportunity House has made a real difference in the lives of people who are intellectually or developmentally disabled. With 130 employees and multiple locations throughout DeKalb County, Illinois, it has always been important for the entire team to be able to schedule, communicate, and work together efficiently. Having the right technological tools in place can go a long way toward achieving that objective.

Chanette Oeser, Finance Director, and Trisha Alexander, Assistant Director of Finance, are the two people at Opportunity House who have been dealing with the growing organization’s challenge to keep all of the technology-related issues running smoothly. And over the years, before engaging with Pulse Technology, it was a very time-consuming process for them. Their primary duties in the organization’s finance department were eclipsed by the many details they would need to attend to: arranging to get printers and copiers repaired when they broke down, determining when computers needed to be repaired or replaced, working with outside IT people to help in “break-fix” situations or when there were challenges with employees being unable to log into the system, and helping to onboard new employees for proper email and Internet access. They were also aware of the importance of keeping the latest anti-virus protections in place.

These ongoing day-to-day tasks are formidable enough in a traditional, 9 to 5 business. Opportunity House, however, is a 24/7 operation that includes group homes, multiple locations, and employees who work different shifts around the clock, as well as some who log in from remote locations.

Chanette recalls, “We were facing challenges with our IT system. We have added so many group homes over the years that it became difficult to keep up. Previously, we were dealing with one print company and a different IT company, a cable company, and Comcast too. So any problem that arose did not have one “go-to” person to assist. We basically had too many irons in the fire, and wanted a one-stop shop to help us improve efficiencies and save time that Trisha and I were spending on this in addition to our regular jobs. We went through an RFP process, talked to three or four agencies, and felt that Pulse Technology had the most to offer. It was a welcome relief for us, because we are the finance department and we were often the ones to coordinate everything related to technology.”

What were some of the initial challenges that Pulse assisted with? Trisha said, “There were connectivity problems. Not everyone worked on the same system. We needed to identify and replace obsolete computers. We needed an upgrade to new laptops and desktops so that everyone was up to speed. Staying on top of all of this created challenges with our technology and communications.”

One issue in particular that was time-consuming and challenging was getting the organization’s new hires set up with the credentials that they needed. They found that, previously, when people needed special privileges/credentials it wasn’t getting done the same way every time, which in turn required additional time to correct.

Finding a one-stop shop in Pulse Technology has made life much easier for them, from the more complex challenges to the basics, such as making certain that everyone has the right log-ins. Although much of the news of cyber protection centers around the possibility of cyber attacks, that wasn’t top of mind for Opportunity House. Instead, it was a way of having one trusted partner to oversee the operation and be ready to step in to support them as needed.

“Pulse makes sure that the right log-ins are figured out, and training to be able to communicate. Having one source when there are issues with printers, IT, specialized log-ins and connectivity makes life simpler. We’ve always had good service from the people who work with us from Pulse.”

"Having one source when there are issues with printers, IT, specialized log-ins and connectivity makes life simpler."


Solutions that Pulse Technology has helped them with include both their Managed Print Services (MPS), copiers and printers, as well as their Managed Network (IT) and being certain that everything runs in a coordinated way. Benefits to Opportunity House include less downtime, less time required to onboard and set up new hires, fewer connectivity issues, and less time for the Finance Department to oversee the company’s technology.

And that improved technology helps them focus more of their time on what they do best. Opportunity House’s services include 24-hour residential care, supported community living, supported community employment, recreational programs, Special Olympics, community day programs, and training programs that help their population learn life skills. In many ways, Opportunity House is a one-stop shop for people with disabilities. Learn more about this great organization by visiting

Pulse Technology is pleased to have the chance to work with Opportunity House. We believe that our work for organizations such as theirs helps their team focus on what they do best – running their companies and not attending to issues with printers, IT, and connectivity. If you feel that your organization might benefit from outsourcing your IT and print management needs, or even just want to have a preliminary discussion, please give us a call at 888-357-4277. We also invite you to download our free eBook “The Ultimate Guide: Cybersecurity for Business” by visiting


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