Outsourced Managed Service Providers to the Rescue
Reliable software and secure data storage – is that too much for a business to ask for? With the day-to-day operation of most businesses dependent on both, even the faintest possibility of an IT breach or other disaster is enough to strike fear in the hearts of owners.
Whether a large corporation, mid-sized organization or small business, the threat potential is the same. That’s why an ever increasing number of businesses that previously took care of storage and back-up in-house are switching to outsourced, managed service providers.
The benefits are many, starting with business continuity. Whether a security breach, hard drive crash, power outage or other system interruption, the imperative is to get back up and running as soon as possible. A managed service provider acts as an insurance policy for a business’s data in case disaster strikes, allowing an organization to return to business as usual without weighty downtime or data loss.
Company growth, consolidation, merger and/or acquisition are all game changers when it comes to data storage. With each change, the amount of data storage required will likewise change. An outsourced managed service provider can offer the flexibility necessary to meet fluctuating storage capacity needs – at a price substantially lower than the cost of additional equipment and related upgrades.
Let’s not forget the technical skills required for proper disaster protection and recovery. Often a small business will rely on an internal “tech savvy” employee for data backup duty, even though that employee’s actual job lies elsewhere in the company. Outsourcing provides a business with the right skill set and tools to combat data threats, allowing employees to focus on the work they were hired to do.
And the best benefit of all? The peace of mind in knowing that a managed service provider is there 24/7 to ensure security and speedy recovery in the event of a data disaster.