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Stay Green and Lean on Earth Day, 2022

On this Earth Day 2022,  “going green” has become part of the universal vernacular, with nearly every company and organization weighing in on the importance of environmental friendliness.

In terms of forward “green” thinking, print management takes a place of honor. A fundamental and sweeping change in the document generation industry over the past decade has driven companies such as Pulse Technology down greener pastures.

Studies indicate that between 1% and 3% of a company’s total bottom line is spent on document generation/management. Large corporations or public entities have historically purchased copiers from one vendor, facsimile products from another, printers and supplies from a “big box” store in the neighborhood…and then it’s time to shop the market for a service provider.

The use of four providers can result in significantly higher costs for companies that generate large volumes of documents annually. But substantial savings can be had and the “carbon footprint” reduced with the availability of programs that offer all the above components serviced by a single provider.

Print management software is available for organizations that use multiple printers and copiers. This state-of-the-art software monitors all machine-printed materials and tracks the number of copies each piece of equipment uses. It then produces a report that evaluates cost-per-page analysis. Print management tracking systems can also monitor paper consumption and accurate usage of scan, fax and copy output.

Moreover, a print management system can provide information necessary to determine the optimal number of printers, copiers, faxes and other imaging equipment required for an organization to operate efficiently. This is an important factor as there can be a wide discrepancy between the operating costs of desktop printers, copiers, and multi functional devices to generate an individual document.

Perhaps the ultimate “going green” measure is through electronic archiving.

Archiving software enables organizations to store and easily retrieve documents in electronic format. This most recent evolution takes document management to the next level and has become a major factor toward the “paperless office.”

Considering the present health and economic landscape, companies must continue to look for measures to conserve; what was standard operating procedure twenty, ten or even three years ago is no longer the case.

To learn more about how we can help with your being “more green,” visit our Earth Day page.


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