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Now More Than Ever – Employees Need Signs of Appreciation

The impact of COVID-19 has not only hard hit our physical health, but our emotional well-being, too. The year 2020 will go down in history as one for the books, and not in a good way. It seems that everything changed overnight – literally. Families unable to get together, schooling disrupted and many workplaces transitioning to at-home offices.

Remote work has put the kibosh on typical office events, including employee recognition ceremonies. In the absence of the ability to gather in person, some businesses have placed employee awards on the back burner. And while we agree that there are higher ranking priorities to consider during a pandemic, the desire and need for employees to celebrate accomplishments may be more important now than ever before.

The stress of everyday life in 2020 has no equal in recent history. In addition to worrying about health, home schooling and maintaining financial wellbeing, employees also feel the pressure of working harder than ever to help their employers remain fiscally afloat during the pandemic. That’s why frequent gestures of gratitude matter.

Bonuses and monetary rewards are naturally welcomed these days when many are struggling financially, but other, less costly acknowledgements of appreciation also deliver a positive message, including “old school” acrylic awards. Sure, a gift card to a local coffee shop is a nice surprise, but only for as long as the handful of free lattes last! But an actual award, either in pinnacle or paperweight form with a personalized engraving is a constant reminder of gratitude.

Recognition has always been important, but these days it is a genuine necessity. Employees are working harder, longer and often with greater purpose and should be acknowledged for their efforts. Business owners may not have the extra cash to dole out substantial monetary rewards, but at times like these something as simple as an acrylic paperweight can be worth its weight in the merit it represents.

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