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Conservation: Less CAN Be More!

The so-called “paperless society” that seemed nothing more than fantasy a mere decade or so ago has become reality for many businesses, thanks to software and technology.

But a lot of companies and organizations still spend far more on paper and energy to create documents than they need to; in fact, an estimated 1% to 3% of their entire bottom line. Those companies that have come on board the “paperless” train will tell you that using less paper and less power results in a more efficient and profitable organization…and it’s also good for the environment.

For businesses yet to take the paperless plunge, the first step is to make an honest assessment of your paper usage. You may be surprised at the amount of waste being generated. After all, do all copies really need to be one-sided and/or in color?

For a fairly reasonable investment, businesses and organizations can easily outfit themselves with print management software that use multiple printers and copiers. This software monitors all machine printed materials and tracks the number of copies each piece of equipment uses. It then produces a report that evaluates cost-per-page analysis. Print management tracking systems can also monitor paper consumption and accurate usage of scan, fax and copy output.

The fundamental premise of a print management system is consideration of all costs associated with leasing/owning and using printing and imaging equipment, including maintenance and ongoing support.

Also, a managed print system (MPS) can provide information necessary to determine the optimal number of printers, copiers, faxes and other imaging equipment required for an organization to operate efficiently. This is an important factor as there can be a wide discrepancy between the operating costs of desktop printers, copiers, and multifunctional devices to generate an individual document.

An MPS program evaluates total cost of ownership, including devices that are responsible for the most down time. This provides the information necessary to effectively consolidate printer fleets, eliminate unnecessary equipment and replace those that are nearing end of service. It then develops an ongoing service and maintenance program that continuously monitors printing usage and then provides process improvements to save time and money.

Environmentally, MPS is an effective way to reduce waste, recycle paper, ink and other resources. It is a document solutions approach that is not only cost effective but can also lower the carbon footprint of any business or organization. Questions? Email us,