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Back to School: The CARES Act Can Help with Equipment Purchase

As schools gear up for resuming in-person learning, there’s a great deal of preparation to be done – including taking inventory of equipment and ordering what will be needed for when the doors open. After a year when the pandemic brought in-school learning to a virtual halt and budgets were stretched tight to begin with, the process of buying new school supplies might seem more daunting than usual.

However, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act could prove to be a lifeline for schools, students and parents.

Here’s why. The CARES Act provides financial relief as schools and the country continue to grapple with the effects of COVID-19. It provides approximately $31 billion in emergency education funding to students, schools, institutions, and states across the country.

The funding can be used for purchasing educational technology such as laptops and hotspot devices, and also for training educators to use online learning tools.

Today’s learning environment is much more interactive than ever before. The right technology can really bring classes to life. State-of-the-art projectors, interactive white boards, laptops, and iPads can all play an integral part in today’s educational institutions. The CARES act can help with the purchase of laptops, tablets, A/V equipment and school supplies, which will make the process of re-opening schools “in person” easier – and more beneficial for the students as well as the community’s budget.

Since Zoom and other platforms have become commonplace in schools and elsewhere, laptops will be an even bigger part of the educational environment. And, for enhanced communication, external microphones and portable web cameras are popular add-ons. For teachers, the iPad Air is also a great tool which offers them flexibility and mobility.

From the sophisticated video walls to laptops, we have a well-stocked inventory for educational needs and a tech team to stand behind the equipment. In addition to the tech products that schools, teachers and students need, there are the other staples to stock up on, including paper products to booklets and pens.

For school purchasing agents, teachers, and students, check out our wide array of back to school equipment which you can see by visiting